Archive for December, 2015

Going through Airport Security with a CPAP device

Posted on: December 18th, 2015 by BrevardBlogger No Comments

For many of us, the holiday season is a time when we cheat on our diets and budgets, or at least give both a little bit of wiggle room. But, just because you’re cheating in one area doesn’t mean you can cheat in another, especially when it comes to CPAP compliance.

Many people stop being compliant around the holidays because they don’t want to take their CPAP with them when they travel. However, that’s exactly the time of year when you need to be using your machine the most—after all, you want to be awake and alert, both while during your travels and when you’re interacting with your family.

If you’re traveling via airplane, your CPAP machine might make the TSA examine you a little bit closer. Here are three things to keep in mind when going through airport security:

  • Remove the CPAP machine from its case


You can keep the CPAP tubes, CPAP masks and other CPAP supplies in your bag, but the CPAP machine itself will need to be X-rayed by itself in its own separate bin. It’s a lot like taking a laptop on-board. If you’re worried about germs, you can also place the CPAP machine in a clear plastic bag so it doesn’t touch the bin’s surface.


  • Pack the CPAP in your carry-on


We know that CPAP machines can be bulky sometimes (especially if you haven’t purchased a travel CPAP yet), but there’s always the chance that your luggage can be lost, and then you really won’t be able to remain compliant! You also don’t want the CPAP machine accidentally damaged.


  • Prepare for an ETD test on your CPAP


There is always the chance that your CPAP device will need to go through the ETD, or explosive Trace Detection test before they let you through. This test is typically done when the TSA isn’t able to get a clear X-ray image. A TSA official will run a white swab over the surface of your CPAP device to check for trace amounts of explosives. Again, if you are worried about germs, you can request that fresh gloves and swabs be used.


Remember, airport security officials have seen CPAP machines before, so you probably won’t have to explain what your CPAP device is. If you are still traveling with a full-sized CPAP machine, contact us today about buying a travel CPAP machine. It will make life a lot easier!


Traveling in the airport with limited mobility

Posted on: December 11th, 2015 by BrevardBlogger No Comments

Nothing could be cheerier than when the holidays roll around! For many Americans, the prospect of being able travel and see their loved ones is what makes this the most magical time of the year. But, if you’re living with limited mobility, travel can sometimes be tricky. For today’s blog post, we’re going to cover how you can prepare to navigate an airport if you have limited mobility:

  • Arrive early

It’s always stressful when you have to feel rushed during a trip, but there are always additional things you have to account for when you’re traveling with limited mobility. Things such as getting an airport wheelchair, communicating with airport personnel about what you need and using the handicap bathroom before the flight can all take up additional time.

  • Ask a wheelchair ahead of time


You can reserve a wheelchair when you book your flight, and this will ensure one will be ready for you when you check-in. Opt to have an airport employee push you instead of wheeling yourself—this will save you energy for the rest of the trip. Make sure you tip the employee as well ($5 is the standard).


  • Use the bathroom before you board

Airplane bathrooms are hard to maneuver even with fully mobile individuals.  Use the handicap-accessible bathroom before the flight starts.

  • Prepare for a pat-down


If you’re unable to use the metal detectors because of hip or joint replacements, the TSA will pat you down and check your wheelchair for explosives. They will also ask you to remove your shoes, which can add time to your travel.


  • Choose a spot near the front of the plane when you make your reservation

Many airplane employees will reserve seats near the front for the physically handicapped, so you may not need to have first-class tickets to get one of these. Politely ask the employees if there is anything they can do for you. They may not be able to, but it doesn’t hurt to communicate!

  • Time your boarding


You want to be with either the first or last wave. Most places will let the physically challenged board first, but if you miss that, board with the last wave. It saves you from having people pile in around you as you get out of your wheelchair and into your seat.

The holidays truly are a wonderful time of the year, and we hope you’re able spend it with the people you care about. Before you book your flight, check out the mobility products we have in our online catalog.