People undergo surgery for countless reasons. Whether someone wants a new nose or needs a knee replaced, 56 million Americans undergo surgery every year. Surgery in itself can be a difficult and trying time. People have anxieties of receiving anesthesia and being under for hours at a time. They wake up to new stitches and an opening that didn’t exist before. Their body has to learn to accept the internal change and heal itself with the help of medication. The healing process can be quick or lengthy depending on the severity of the procedure. Many people dread recovering from surgery because it can be painful, uncomfortable, and boring. Brevard Medical Equipment offers an abundance of supplies for your health and comfort needs. We invite you to visit our site and find products that can ease your mobility and increase your safety. Here we have provided 8 ideas for making your time after surgery enjoyable.
#1 – While at the hospital or upon your return home, make a list of all the cards, flowers, or visits you received. Take time to write heart-felt letters of appreciation to those who supported you during a difficult time. By recording everything from the beginning, you will be less likely to forget anyone.
#2 – Download a book on tape or new music to entertain yourself during the days and nights at home. They can be played through headphones or on a large system to be heard anywhere in the house.
#3 – Tackle a task on your bucket list. Whether you’ve always wanted to knit, write a novel, or make a quilt, now is the perfect time to start.
#4- Collect your favorite recipes from different cook books and compile a master list. Visit Pinterest for a variety of unique meal ideas and have ideas ready to make when you are feeling better.
#5- Pamper yourself with a bubble bath, manicure, facial, or massage. Your body has been through a lot and deserves extra treatment.
#6 – Clean out junk drawers filled with useless items. You will be shocked to discover the amount of things you own that no longer serve a purpose. Whether you decide to toss or sell them, simplifying can make you feel lighter and make your home look neater.
#7- Take notes of the areas in your home that need an improvement. Shop online for room themes or furniture you would like to incorporate. When you are better you will be able to tackle the project or hire help to do so.
#8 – Puzzles are a great way to kill time and exercise your brain. When engaged in a puzzle, the brain releases a chemical called dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for learning and memory, decreasing the risk of memory loss and Alzheimer’s.
We encourage you to use your down time to do things that are enjoyable and will ease your recovery. Visit Brevard Medical Equipment online and don’t hesitate to give us a call!
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