We’re all about connecting people with the right products that can increase their health. But, there’s one item we don’t carry that can do wonders for you: owning a pet. Since June is Adopt a Cat Month, we thought we would take time in today’s blog to cover the health benefits of owning a furry friend:
- Lower Cardiovascular Disease Risk
Studies have shown that those who owned cats were 30 to 40 percent less likely to die of cardiovascular disease. This might be because cats have been shown to lower stress and help their owners become more relaxed. The same studies weren’t able to find a correlation between dog ownership and lowered heart risk.
- You’ll have a better night’s sleep
That’s right, a cat can actually help you sleep better! Polls have shown that 41 percent of people sleep better because of their cats, while only 20 percent reported that cats cause them a disturbance.
- Fewer allergies
While a cat won’t suddenly cure your hay fever, they can do wonders for newborns. A National Institute of Health study has found that when children were exposed to cats early on, they were far less likely to develop allergies. And it wasn’t just allergies around pets—they were also less likely to develop other types of allergies as well.
- They’re great companions
While we may joke about the single friend who’s going to end up as a “crazy cat lady” they truth is, cats have been proven to lower feelings of loneliness. They’re especially a boon to Older Americans, who often experience feelings of loneliness as their children leave home or their friends die or move away for retirement.
- They can lower anxiety and depression
Some people have even been known to engage cats as “service animals” just for this reason. They’ve been proven to mitigate the effects of both conditions.
Remember, while cats are one item we don’t carry in our online catalog, we do have a number of others that can help you live a better life, including products to help you age in-home or sleep better.
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