Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Eating for Healthy Bones

Posted on: May 14th, 2015 by BrevardBlogger No Comments


What do ice cream, tofu and sardines all have in common? They’re high in calcium and could be used to prevent osteoporosis, or aid those who already have it.

May is Osteoporosis Awareness Month, and we thought we would take a moment to talk a little bit about how diet can help in the prevention and treatment of the disease.

Almost everyone knows that calcium is good for the bones, but most people think of milk and cheese when they think of high-calcium foods. In fact, there’s a number of items you could include in your diet that are good for your bones. Below are a few suggestions for your daily meals that are packed with calcium:


  • Yogurt mixed with almonds and oranges, with a cup of soy milk on the side
  • Oatmeal mixed with dried figs and a cup of orange juice on the side
  • Cheerios (they’re not just heart-healthy—they’re bone healthy as well!)


  • Spinach salad with sesame seeds, almonds, slices of oranges and canned salmon
  • Collard green and black-eyed pea soup
  • A sandwich covered with a black-eyed pea spread instead of mayo



  • Penne pasta with spinach and white beans
  • Sardine pizza—no, really! The sardines are high in calcium, and the cheese on the pizza is excellent for bone health
  • Caramelized tofu with Brussel sprouts—the whole recipe can be found here.

At Brevard Medical Equipment, we’re all about helping those who are living with osteoporosis. We carry a number of products in our online catalog that can increase your mobility, as well as a resource center to explain a number of terms related to osteoporosis.


Prehypertension: What you need to know

Posted on: April 20th, 2015 by BrevardBlogger No Comments

Hypertension 101 (1)

Prehypertension is a condition in which one’s blood pressure becomes slightly elevated. It is a precursor to full hypertension, and it is our body’s warning sign that we need to take action to lower our blood pressure. Allowing prehypertension to worsen can increase your risk for heart attack, stroke and heart failure. Brevard Medical wants you to be aware of the dangers of this condition and suggest some methods for preventing it.

Prehypertension doesn’t always cause clear symptoms. In fact, blood pressure readings are the only foolproof way to detect it. You should see your doctor at least once every two years to have your blood pressure checked, though it is suggested that you get a checkup more often if you have a family history of hypertension or heart disease.

As with many conditions, there are certain things you can do now to prevent your chance of developing hypertension. Here are some popular suggestions:

Limit alcohol – If you choose to drink alcohol, be sure to do so in moderation. One to two drinks a day is the recommended amount for healthy adults.

Maintain a healthy weight – Losing just 5 pounds can lower your blood pressure and help prevent prehypertension. Talk with your doctor about what your healthy weight should be and commit to small lifestyle changes to aid in weight loss.

Increase physical activity – Regular physical activity is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy weight. If you aren’t used to exercise, start slow, increasing to at least 30 minutes of activity a day. Walking is one of the best and easiest options!

Limit your salt intake – You don’t need to cut out salt completely, but if you reduce it a little bit at each meal, you won’t even notice the loss. Make a habit of checking labels and avoid foods high in sodium such as soups, frozen meals and bread.

Brevard Medical wants to help you prevent the issues that could lead to life-altering problems down the road. For more information about leading a healthy lifestyle, keep up with our blog!



5 Benefits of Volunteering

Posted on: April 15th, 2015 by BrevardBlogger No Comments

National Volunteer Week

This week marks National Volunteer Week! This week-long celebration was established in 1974 to honor the ordinary people who do extraordinary things with their time and service. Many of us volunteer with local organizations and most of us have benefited from the acts of a generous volunteer. Brevard Medical Equipment supports volunteering efforts of all kinds! Check out these five awesome benefits of volunteering.

  1. Volunteering can help improve your physical well-being. The social interaction that occurs while volunteering can lower your heart rate and blood pressure. It can also increase the feel-good chemicals in your brain, called endorphins, and boost your immune system.
  2. Volunteering is beneficial to both the giver and the receiver. Often times the person who offers their time feels like they receive more value than the person they helped!
  3. Volunteering can fight off stress and illness. Socializing with new people and discovering new skills are great for the mind as well as the body. Social connections are priceless.
  4. Volunteering boosts your self-esteem and self-worth. Choosing to help others without expecting a reward makes us feel good about ourselves, whether we are shown direct appreciation or not.
  5. Volunteering can help you live better and longer. The sense of purpose and positive interactions you develop with people greatly contribute to the benefits.

If you think that you can’t volunteer because of age or physical limitations, think again! Many communities offer programs that are designed to give senior citizens the opportunities to volunteer.

April 12-18 is National Volunteer Week, and Brevard Medical Equipment wants to say a big “thank you” to all of the volunteers out there for your help and generosity. If you are a volunteer, we appreciate you! And, as always, if the team at Brevard Medical Equipment can be of any assistance, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 321-453-3370.

Nutrition and COPD: What You Need to Know (Part 1)

Posted on: March 25th, 2015 by BrevardBlogger No Comments
Learn more about the connection between nutrition and living with COPD.

Learn more about the connection between nutrition and living with COPD.

Nutrition and COPD: What You Need to Know (Part 1)


Often, when we consider nutritional choices, we weigh outcomes like our overall health, our weight, and our waistline. But did you know that for those living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, nutritional choices can actually affect their breathing efficiency and comfort?


Food fuels our bodies, similarly to how gasoline fuels our cars, and so the food that we choose directly impacts the energy that we have and the way that we feel. In this two-part blog post, Brevard Medical Equipment explores the connection between nutrition and COPD.


Simply put, the food that we eat and the oxygen that we inhale are converted into energy and waste products (such as carbon dioxide) during a process called metabolization. That energy is used for all of our activities – walking, talking, sleeping, and breathing.


For those living with COPD, breathing requires more energy than it does for a person living without the condition. In fact, for those individuals, the muscles used in breathing can require 10 times the number of calories to do their jobs! It seems obvious, then, that for people living with COPD, food choices are incredibly important.


In addition to giving you the energy you need, good food choices can help you maintain a healthy body weight. If you are living with COPD, being overweight can require your heart and lungs to work harder, which, in turn, makes breathing more difficult. In contrast, being underweight can open the door to fatigue, weakness, and lowered immune response. Talk with your doctor to determine your ideal weight and to decide how many calories you should be consuming each day to maintain that weight.


Stayed tuned for part two of our blog post, where we’ll share some specific suggestions for foods to include and avoid in your diet, along with some nutritional tips that you might never have heard! Brevard Medical Equipment cares about your health, and we’re excited to share this information with you. And, as always, if we can be of any assistance, don’t hesitate to give our medical equipment experts a call at 321-453-3370!



Brevard Medical: A Year in Review

Posted on: December 30th, 2014 by BrevardBlogger No Comments

review-blogAs 2014 is coming to a close, we are thankful for all of our valued customers that keep our business running strong.  As we close out the year we like to take a look back at some of the things that made 2014 a good year before we look at what may make 2015 a great year.

We believe we have been able to deliver some great content and articles to you through our blog in 2014. Here is a rundown of what we considered to be the three best posts, in no particular order, of the year.

  1. 8 Ways to Enjoy Recovering from Surgery

While people have surgery year round, it is a little more disappointing to have it done during nice weather like we usually see at the end of the second quarter.  This article discusses some great ways to pass the time while you’re laid up that range from fun to productive.

  1. Cruise Carefree: Rent Medical Equipment for Your Vacation
    During the fourth quarter, we saw the likes of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Veterans Day, and now the Christmas season. The post that stuck out to us the most was our post on rental equipment while on vacation.  This article discussed some of the rental equipment options that we have available for our customers.
  2. 8 Genius Ways to Use Ice Cube Trays
    Third quarter saw the end of the summer months, and so we figured we would end it with a bang. In this article, we decided to have a little fun and give you some creative and useful tips on things you can use your ice cube trays for.  These things ranged from supplementing drinks or meals to using them to clean your garbage disposal.

As we get closer to the New Year, we thank you for making 2014 a great year and look forward to serving you in 2015.  If you have any questions, or anything that we can help you with, feel free to call us at 321-453-3370, or visit us on the web at  From all of us here at Brevard Medical Equipment, have a safe and happy New Year.  See you next year!

Avoid Travel Pains – How Better Posture Can Make Your Holiday Travels More Enjoyable!

Posted on: December 18th, 2014 by BrevardBlogger No Comments

holiday-travel-blogWe are officially in the middle of the holiday season, and this season is full of food, family, friends, and fun.  However, with all of those things also, for most people, comes an increase in travel.  For people with mobility issues, travel can be an inconvenience or just plain difficult.  There are a number of things that can be done to help ease the pain of traveling that range from ensuring proper posture in the car/on the plane, to bringing a specialized travel pillow with you on your journey.

Posture in the car:

Posture is incredibly important in everyday life, from sitting down at your desk to sleeping and traveling.  How you sit can have a dramatic effect on your joints and muscles, especially in your lower back/hips.

While in the car on your journey, make sure that you are sitting up straight rather than slouching.  Slouching can cause your lower back muscles to support your weight versus your hips.  The solution to this would be to ensure that you are sitting with good posture in the car/on the plane.  This can be done by making sure your bottom is all the way back as far as it goes into the seat.

If you don’t have a lumbar support product, rolling up a bath towel and placing it just above your hips between your back and the seat works as well.  This helps to provide that extra support and comfort while traveling, while also encouraging better posture.

Posture while you sleep:                          

Another thing that can typically throw off your system is sleeping on an unfamiliar surface.  A lot of individuals find it more difficult to sleep when they travel because they do not have their familiar mattress or pillows.  One way to avoid this is to travel with a memory foam travel pillow.  These pillows are effective at keeping your neck and head in better alignment while you sleep, and thus help to avoid some additional pains from the unfamiliar surface.

How Brevard Medical can help:

Here at Brevard Medical, we carry a wide range of products that can aid in your daily life.  Like the products listed above, we have a range of other mobility-related products and resources for you to choose from that you can search through in our online catalog.  Let us know what we can to do help.  From all of us here at Brevard Medical, we hope you have a Merry Christmas and a great holiday season!

Honor and Remember: Veterans Day

Posted on: November 6th, 2014 by BrevardBlogger No Comments


November is about more than just football and food.  It is about remembering and being thankful.  Here at Brevard Medical Equipment, we encourage you to take time to remember all of those that have and are serving in our military and honor them on Veterans Day on November 11.

History of Veterans Day

Veterans Day gets its origins from the end of World War I, the “war to end all wars.” An armistice, a temporary cessation of hostilities between the Allied Nations and Germany, went into effect at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the year, making November 11, 1918 the unofficial end of the world

The following year, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11 as Armistice Day.  The United States Congress passed a resolution urging people nationwide to honor the day on June 4, 1926.  Almost two more years passed before an official act of Congress made November 11 a legal holiday, known then as Armistice Day.  Following the passing of legislation on June 1, 1954, after the urging of veterans service organizations, Armistice Day was officially renamed to Veterans Day in order to expand the day to include honoring all of those that have served, rather than just those that served in WWI.

Local Veterans Day Activities

There are a handful of activities in the Merritt Island area to celebrate Veterans Day.  Don’t miss out on the Veterans Day Luncheon at the DoubleTree hotel (2080 N. Atlantic Ave., Cocoa Beach) that starts at 11:30 a.m.  where you can buy a lunch for a veteran while listening to guest speakers.  All proceeds will go towards the support of past and present military members.

Simply saying, “thank you” to a veteran or current member of our armed forces can go a long way. While it may not seem like much in return for them protecting our country, it will mean a lot to them.

Brevard Medical would like to take a moment to thank our veterans.  Thank you all for your dedication and commitment to protecting our freedom!

Tips for Healthy Aging with Brevard Medical

Posted on: September 23rd, 2014 by BrevardBlogger No Comments

Healthy aging is important, so read our blog for tips.


Some people think of growing old as an experience they are not looking forward to. Brevard Medical is here to tell you different by celebrating Healthy Aging Month. September is Healthy Aging Month and it is focused around the bright side of aging and staying positive as age increases.

The process of aging is filled with family time and new experiences after retirement. An important part of healthy aging is taking care of your body physically and mentally. Aging does not have to mean you are stuck in the house and can’t get out and see the world. Healthy aging month is all about shining a positive light on aging gracefully and well. Brevard Medical is bringing you tips for healthy aging month.

  • Exercise your mind. As we age, it may seem like we lose some cognitive ability. Fight it by staying sharp! Work on crossword puzzles, regularly read books, and memory games.
  • Don’t be afraid to use a helping hand. A walker or cane can keep you from falls and injuries. There is no better way to age gracefully than to age without getting hurt.
  • Stay physically active. Whether you take your dog on a short walk every day or you tend to the garden, physical activity will help you feel and look better than ever before.
  • Hang out with supportive and loving people. There is nothing like having great friends and family to keep you occupied and happy. Stay busy so you don’t have to spend much time alone. Consider joining a club or lunch group to stay social.
  • Get up and dance! Dancing is great for your mind, body, and soul. It can keep you physically active and social. You won’t even feel like you are doing a workout and dancing keeps your mind in check.

Healthy Aging Month is all about you at Brevard Medical, so contact us today for all of your home medical needs. We are here so you can age gracefully!

Fruits and Veggies, More Matters

Posted on: September 16th, 2014 by BrevardBlogger No Comments

More fruits and veggies can keep you healthy.

Brevard Medical strives to bring you products that are life changing and helpful to your everyday life. Healthy eating is an important part of aging well and staying independent. September is Fruits and Veggies Month, with the theme “More Matters.”

This means all forms of fruits and vegetables matter, canned, frozen, fresh, or dried. As long as you are getting the many benefits from these healthy foods, it doesn’t matter how you are taking them in. Less than half of Americans get adequate fruit and vegetable consumption each week. We are going to give you a few reasons why “more matters.”

More matters:

  1. Fruits and vegetables are vibrantly colored and add flavor to your plate. Your plate will be more colorful and appealing.
  2. More fiber in healthy foods. Fiber can keep you feel fuller longer, so you are less likely to overeat. Your digestive system will also benefit greatly.
  3. Variety of options. There are many different fruits and vegetables out there that you may have never even heard of. Fruits and veggies give you many opportunities to make delicious and healthy recipes.
  4. Low in calories. Fruits and vegetables can settle sweet and salty cravings for a lot less calories than junk food. They leave you feeling satisfied without the guilt after.
  5. Quick and natural snack option. You can feel good knowing you are eating a food that is not heavily processed. They are conveniently easy to wash and peel on the go.
  6. Packed with vital nutrients. From calcium to vitamin C, you can find that all fruits and vegetables are packed with good things for you. From inside to the outside, fruits and veggies can keep you healthy all around.

Now that you know why “more matters” when it comes to fruits and veggies make a list of these healthy foods to get at the store next time you go. Contact us if you have any questions about our products or services.

8 Genius Ways to Use Ice Cube Trays

Posted on: August 20th, 2014 by BrevardBlogger No Comments

With these different ways to use ice cube trays, you will never look at them the same again!

So you thought ice cube trays were only supposed to be filled with water, right? Think again. After you read this blog from Brevard Medical Equipment you will see ice cube trays in a whole new light. You may not even feel right about using them to actually make ice! From sweet treats to uses for practical cooking purposes, ice cube trays can be used for various reasons. Check out these cool hacks for ice cube trays that are fantastic for any reason.

8 Genius Ways to Use Ice Cube Trays

  1. If you are sick of watered down iced coffee, try making coffee ice cubes. Pour the pot of coffee into an ice cube tray and freeze and there you will have delicious frozen cubes.
  2. For your child or grandchild, freeze applesauce in the trays for a yummy frozen and healthy snack. This is also good for when they are teething.
  3. Freeze pasta sauce. Instead of freezing a whole jar, put the sauce in ice cube trays so it takes less time to thaw in the microwave.
  4. No longer worry about wasting half of the buttermilk again. Freeze the milk, so it can be easily accessed when you need it.
  5. Make hot chocolate on a stick. It is a small, yet delicious treat.
  6. Freeze healthy blended greens to add to your future greens.
  7. Freeze bananas with Greek yogurt to throw into a smoothie so it does not get watered down. An added bonus is you can eat it by itself too!
  8. Freshen up your garbage disposal up by freezing lemons and vinegar. Whenever your sink seems to smell, pop one in the garbage disposal and turn it on. This method is cost friendly and easy.

Brevard Medical Equipment is always looking for ways to make your life easier. We hope these hacks make your life easier in the kitchen, but we want to make your life easier everywhere else too. Check out our products for aids for daily living and walking assistance.